According to the researchers of Quick Heal Security Lab which is a cybersecurity company, the latest version of the Joker virus gains access to the users’ device text messages, contact and to a lot of other personal information. Like its predecessors it can also subscribe the device user to many paid subscriptions which the users comes to know about at the end of the month when their bank account or credit card statement shows the increased incurred cost. The Joker virus was first surfaced back in 2019 and it was tackled accordingly but now it has recently resurfaced quiet dramatically and is back in action. This time the security researchers have expressed fear in regard to the Joker Virus; as according to them, they have noticed the hidden presence of the Virus in a lot more than just those 8 apps. One can hope that the iOS users are safe from the Joker virus. The iOS providers should double and triple their security and also scrutinize the different apps that are being offered on their platform. As the recent Joker virus has evolved and become more potent as compared to its earlier version, there is a good chance that it can even infect and hide in more trusted and more used apps. It is of great concern that when the virus can access the personal information which further if misused , crimes like Identity Theft, impersonations are bound to be at peak. Getting access to a single app on the user device is just the tip of the hidden submerged ice-berg.