The goal of the network was to strengthen the power globally and improve the image of India, to tarnish the reputation of other countries, and clearly benefit from more assistance of international institutions such as the EU and the UN” EU-Disinfolab report.

There was a deceased professor at the centre of the case. The Louis Sohn, known as the ‘grandfather of international human rights law’.”Sohn died in 2006, but then he was identified by the Indian Chronicles as a UNHRC member in 2007 and as a participant in an event in Washington, D.C. That was in 2011.


The research exposed 265 pro-Indian sites functioning in 65 countries last year and tracked them back to the Srivastava Group, a Delhi-based Indian firm (SG). The Indian Chronicles article on Wednesday, shows that the campaign, run by SG, is distributed across at least 116 nations and targets members of the European Parliament and the United Nations. The Misinformation Network has expanded across 116 countries with bogus editors and journalists working with 10 UN-recognized NGOs. The watchdog avoided mentioning any intelligence agency, but was vaguely pointing to India. The research found that in late 2005, a few months after the establishment of the UNHRC in its present form, the campaign directed by SG began. Major networks, such as India Chronicles, do not mean that government directly operates them, according to cyber analysts, even even if they have advanced business model. Many other hundred pro-Indian operations by non-governmental organisations which on account of accredited organisations, have repeatedly given the floor to the UNHRC, supporting the same purpose of ridiculing Pakistan. These think tanks and NGOs in Geneva are responsible for lobbying, coordinating marches, showing up at the UN press conferences and side meetings, and they have also been given the floor at the UN on behalf of accredited organisations, the report says. Last year’s and this year’s findings exposed a man named Ankit Srivastava at the centre of the global activity. The EU DisinfoLab investigation found that more than 400 domain names were purchased through Srivastava’s private email server or through email addresses linked to his organisations. The websites were also apparently operated by the fake journalists. According to EU Observer, This network has used fake people’s identities and also fake personas of human right activist and many other journalists. Also, this entire obnoxious group maligned the image of Pakistan with the coordination of big media groups in Indian.

President Arif Alvi’s Tweet

Pakistan President Mr, Arif Alvi tweeted, “Dead Professor & the vast pro-India, anti-Pakistan, fake news & disinformation set up. Exists since 2005. Despite exposure last year, it has grown vast with 750 fake media outlets. All done thru front companies. Real news is bad, so India banks on fake news”.

— Dr. Arif Alvi (@ArifAlvi) December 10, 2020   “The international community has to take note of a fugitive Indian government that is now threatening the security of the global economy”. PM Imran Khan wrote. Pakistan has repeatedly sensitised the united nations to the risk that India could resort to a false flag action, and our armed forces are alert and ready to respond to any indiscretion or miscalculation by Indian cyber network.