Local Madrassa Students From Talagang Qualify for the Finals of TEKNOFEST

Teams from all over the globe are invited to take part in the competition and represent their respective countries. They compete for a price of 3 Million TL worth. The competition is comprised of Robotaxi Full Scale Autonomous Vehicle Competition, Flying Car Design Competition, and World Drone Cup. The event caters to all the age groups from primary school teams to university graduates. The finals of this year TEKNOFEST will take place from the 22nd to the 27th of September in the city of Gaziantep. Apparently, madrassa students in Pakistan are widely regarded as scholars of Islamic knowledge only. They are not taken as professionals in the field of science and technology. However, a young team of students from Jamia Bait-ul-Salam in Talagang has proved these stereotypes wrong by qualifying for the final round of TEKNOFEST. Blatu, the name given to the team not only made it to the finals but also secured 87 out of 100 points and topped their category of Technology for Humanity-Social Innovation. Previously, apprentices from Jamia Bait-ul-Salam have displayed their intellectual abilities in previous national competitions. Last year, a team from the madrassa won the Robofiesta robotics competition organized at HITEC University Taxila. Check out? Khyber Medical University & IdeaGist Signs MoU To Support Students to Develop Start-Up