According to the recent data available with the PBS, the contribution of IT/computer Related Activities industry in GDP in Pakistan stands around 1.0 percent which is believed to be grossly underestimated.

PBS Starts an Initiative for Giving Recognition to IT Sector in Pakistan

It should be mentioned here that Pakistan Bureau of Statistics collects and accumulates National Accounts of Pakistan. The accounts maintained are Gross Domestic Products (GDP), Gross National Income (GNI), Gross Fixed Capital Formation (GFCF) and per capita income with 2005-06 as the reference/base year. These statistics are used by national and international agencies, planner, economists, planners and R&D departments of different institutes for research and evaluations of policies. PBS has now started a set of surveys to have re-assessment of the contribution of various industries towards national GDP as well as other structural changes. For this purpose, PBS has started a study to collect data on Computer  and IT Related Activities. For this purpose, PSEB has requested everyone to participate in survey as it will highlight thr actual and valuable contribution of this sector in the GDP of Pakistan to grab international investors. PBS assures that all the information shared via this survey will be purely confidential and will only be used to produce aggregate tabulation. To fill the questionnaire click here.  You can download this form from the given link and provide the maximum information and email them before the end of January, 2018 Also Read: Import of Mobile Phones in Pakistan Increases by 14.38 in Six Month