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Samsung is on the Top in Brands from Last 10 Years in Russia

  Business Korea reports, in this list, 17.9% of the total votes were owned by the company. This also marked, however, a decline of 0.6% in votes from 18.5% in 2019. Adidas obtained 12.2 percent of the overall votes, led closely by the smartphone manufacturer. In the 3rd and 4th place Nike and Apple come respectively with 11.7% and 9.7%. These rankings have remained unchanged from the list of the last year. Other popular brands such as Bosh (5.8%), Sony (4.8%), Xiaomi (4.6%), Coca Cola (4.6%), LG (4.1%), and Jara (3.1%), will also feature later on their chart. Particularly, Huawei was in the 13th position in 2020, a new entry into the ranking. We had previously focused on the top 20 Russian brands of Chinese tech giants such as Xiaomi and Huawei. We should also expect that companies can also expand in the area. Samsung was first listed in 2008 at the beginning of OMI and ranked first in 2009. In 2010, Nokia surrendered its throne, but it regained control in 2011 and has yet to be toppled. Also Read: Samsung Redesigns Galaxy Store