On the occasion of the inauguration of a Tele-Health facility in Comsats internet service (CIS) Technology Park, Agha Hassan shared his views that the Tele-Health facilities disseminate the essential information regarding the Maternal and Child health issues and provide the important guidelines and sufficient relevant education about the health-related problems. Digital infrastructure is a very important tool that helps connect the patients with the physicians. The specialist in the relevant fields gives consultation to their needy patients. Patients while sitting at home can get feedback about their health issues and get the remedy. As the economy is going down and inflation has increased many folds, it is a requirement of the time that the health facilities and consultations be provided online for free. This free delivery of information and service will improve the quality of care in the country. The government is also trying to provide free health facilities in less developed areas of the countries to lift the quality of health care in the area. Through the Tele-health program, the government will be able to reach its goal and free medical advice will be given to these people. Agha Hassan Baloch added that Baluchistan is a place that suffers highly from mother-child deaths during pregnancy or at labor. Young infants and children also don’t get sufficient food and health care due to which the rate of death is very high there. Regarding this he said: “We are introducing new plans and schemes which educate women and their families on family planning and safe motherhood” Providing health care facilities in Baluchistan is the first priority of the government. They are devising ways to educate the mothers about the importance of family planning. Early detection of disease and newborn complications can reduce the death rate. The rural areas have been installed with mobile units which are playing an essential role in using the resources well and working hard to reach the goal. The platforms that work for Tele-health in the country must also work on providing medical relief in the country. Also Read:

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