Sindh Govt’s Important Websites go down due to a Malfunction at NTC

Several attempts were made to resolve the issues, however, three main websites still remained inaccessible. These major websites include the Sindh government’s official website (, the website of the Chief Minister House or Secretariat (, and the recently launched website of the information science & technology department ( Chief Minister’s Special Assistant on IT Tanzeela Umi Habiba confessed that the official websites of the Sindh government had gone down. Furthermore, she said the problem occurred because of a malfunction at the National Telecommunication Corporation (NTC). Consequently, the websites stopped working and became inaccessible. Tanzeela also told that the NTC had informed them that the problem would be resolved soon. In addition to that,  she pointed out that the Sindh government had to depend upon the NTC for the availability of its websites because of their official nature. Due to this, no alternative system could be used for the purpose. In the end, she elucidated that other than the NTC, there was no internal issue on the part of the Sindh government that resulted in the malfunction. Check out? Saudi Government Plans to Provide View of ‘Hajra e Aswad’ at home Through VR