Samsung is introducing a new marketing and fan interaction campaign called “Tonight at the Rock – Powered by Samsung Galaxy,” which will take place in a virtual rendition of Rockefeller Center. The virtual experience is housed in Fortnite, the massively popular online multiplayer game that has evolved into a significant portal for businesses wishing to engage with their customers in the metaverse.

The rationale for holding this event is little strange. Collaborations with Fortnite are, as previously said, rather common. According to sources, they’re doing this to participate in the “metaverse.” It’s also not an official partnership with Epic Games, so they must have made it themselves using the in-game creation tool. While Fortnite is not the metaverse, it is arguably the closest thing we have right now to how it is commonly characterised. So, does this imply that The Tonight Show will eternally hold its show within the metaverse, and we’ll all have to watch and attend it on virtual screens? Probably not, however it’s cool that you can obtain such fine detail inside the Fortnite designer tool.