In our new COVID-19 reality lives, our normal daily routines are totally devastated daycare, and school is cancelled, offices are closed, parents are working from home and no gatherings, meetings families are practising social distancing, leaving no options for kids to play with anyone or even outside. In our normal routine days, it was so easy for us to let screens and technologies take over our lives and as well as the lives of our children. So we should encourage families to take action but not to overreact, as this can have far more bad effects on the children, and we have more important issues to take care of and pay attention to.

Tips to Control Kids’ Screen Time During Covid-19

Here are some of the basic and simple tips that we all can follow and apply to reduce our kid’s screen time:

Refrain our kids from the use of the screen and set proper limits for them. Should be aware of what children were actually doing when they turned on the internet and what kind of media stuff they are watching. Should reduce our usage of the screen in front of kids and set a good example for them. Engage kids in healthy activities, playing in the lawn or open-air, do some exercise. Increase family time, getting along, reducing conflict, and keeping busy are all essential for your family’s mental health.

Moreover, there is an app that helps you managing screen time appropriately. Click on the link below to know about it. Also Read: ZenScreen – Track and limit screen time